Here we can get details about any app in detail. Because apps are very important anyone......

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What is an APP?

I am writing this post mainly about an APP.
Because Nowadays apps are playing an important role in every bodies life.

Definition: Apps is an abbreviation for application. 
It is a piece of software. 
It can run on your computer, on the Internet, on your phone or other electronic devices. 
An application is a software program that's designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or for another application program.

Known As: Applications, software, and programs......

Apps are basically little, self-contained programs, used to enhance existing functionality, hopefully in a simple more user-friendly way.

"It is a self-contained program or piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose. 
An application, especially as downloaded by a user to a mobile device."

We may have heard people talking about using an application or an app. 
But what is exactly means of it?
 An app is a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks. Applications for desktop or laptop computers are sometimes called desktop applications, and those for mobile devices are called mobile apps. 
When you open an application automatically it runs inside the operating system until you close it. Most of the time we will have more than one application open at the same time and this is known as multitasking.


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